Saturday, May 26, 2018

the commyounidddy...

Back from my walk.needed fresh air and 30 minutes of bodily momentum.
The rain threatened but I got back without getting drenched.
Looked into a cafe and there was the woman who got her nose in a snit when I told her and her husband to stop looking in my window and then went and told lies to the landlord and I was threatened with eviction.
she tried to duck out of sight.
all because of some up herself tart who could not take it on the chin and thought she would grease the skids.
well fuck her.
after that was sorted she vanished but now I know where she works and she is going to have to look me in the eye everyday instead of just jumping in her car and fucking off.
ya get that.
I work in a cafe therefore I know everything.
Everytime I go up town I can look in the window and remind her that she is a nasty person.

then I got into the supermarket and this other big broad was slipping around and getting in my sight.
finally figuured who she was.
I caught her hiding in the bushes one day when I was yakking to one of the old biddies next door.
I came to the inescapable conclusion she was trying to catch me out???????
for what who knows but she has the "job" and is in the hierarchy and I guess she figures she has some sort of right to snoop and sneak.
another oversize job that figures they are in control.
their egos are pseudopodic and know no limits.
this place used to be a community and now it is just another revenue earning organisation with a BUDGET so all of a sudden they think they are players.

they put out a newsletter that raves about communidy.
well no.
what they think is a communidy is all the people under their control who suck up and kiss their arses.
the real community around here are the people who look out for each other and always have a kind word for each other.
not the suckups sneaks and narks

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