Saturday, July 14, 2018

more bullshit about mental health in new zealand...

surveys, findings blah balh blah.
nobody knows what the fuck they are talking about.
all these educated ignoramusses/
sociologists. numbers
psychologists. pigeon and rat trackers
psychiatrists. a week tacked on to their medical degrees
 all nice little white bread dweebs freshly minted to talk down to the sufferers.
none of them have any idea about the real causes of depression nor do they know how to deal with it.
they all think they can reason with kids or adults when the problem is dynamic and in the unconscious mind.
they go on and fucking on.
every year  they have a week about it on the radio and wheel out another boatload of experts who are basically careerists who have found a niche.
and its all wrapped up in a whole lot of slogans that are only just this side of a marketing campaign.
another one on  Radio New Zealand right now.
Pontificating with a bloody big plum in her mouth.
all experts on budgets and research and staffing levels when the real work was done 100 years ago by sigmund freud but even now the knowers know that if they use these techniques then they are going to have to find out things about themselves that they would rather sweep under the carpet and bury under an aroma of soap and fresh laundry smells and tight underpants.
 thats the KIWI way mate.
if you cant make it as a potter or a film maker then try counselling.

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