Thursday, November 8, 2018

5* editorial page in dompost today...

Rosemary Mcleod makes four great points in her column and finishes off with the classic rejoinder that no one is ever to blame in New Zealand.
she is right.
the place is run by devious sly amateurs who think that reading a position paper makes them intelligent and the prols just got to suck it up.
yeah right.

Verity Johnson
hits it on the head with her column about sex education.
in a half assed way she blames men for their ignorance and ignores the fact that the sex dialogue in New Zealand is controlled by women who would rather have the whole thing wrapped up in ignorance and mystery so as to control men.

Works Drinks.
Having long since eschewed alcohol I dont give a tinkers toss one way or the other but the prescription from aimee dartnall  from lawfirm 'franks ogilvie' that the workplace must have a licence to have a function is symptomatic of the narrow legalistic world that some people would like to wrap the whole society up in to make them conform and provide work for lawyers.

carmen parahi
trying to make a case for more recognition for the Maori soldiers of WW1.
this is belated  revisionist bullshit.
anyone who has read the histories of the NZ armed forces knows that Maori were the spiritual backbone of the army and it does not need some johnny come lately to come along and start making demands on the national consciousness to enforce  knowledge on the couch potatoes who will never give a stuff anyway.

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