Tuesday, November 20, 2018

one more time...

Great to see some public opposition to the wairarapa water storage garbage being put out by the projectors and other carpetbaggers who are the only ones who stand to gain from damming the Ruamahanga river.
Ron Shaws letter in todays  Times Age is apposite and timely.
The promoters boosters or whatever are like kids who have just got out of engineering school and want to tie up anything that remains on the margins of the Wairarapas natural world and carve off some fat for themselves in the process.
Ron Shaw of Carterton hits the nail on the head.
We recently had a local body mayors conference about the future of the Wairarapa economy.
All this was covered on the World Bank report of 1968 and the Department of Trade and Industry report from the same year.
fancy that.
At that time the Wairarapa was chocker with textile factories, footwear factories, consumer durables factories and freezing works and sundry other employers who have have all disappeared over the years.
Carterton is extremely lucky to have retained the nations number one bacon factory with known  and recognisable BRANDS and  the idea that some wonk on a lifestyle block producing overpriced artisanal gloop is going to "SAVE" the Wairarapa is arrant nonsense.
The current crop of local body poseurs and wannabees have no grasp of the history of the area and no real desire to find out as long as they can continue to collect their emoluments fees etc and get invited to as many sausage roll rubber chicken affairs as possible so they dont have to spend any of their own money feeding themselves.
They know everything there is to know and if they dont know it then it cant be important because if it was then they would know it!
I personally happen to have a degree { a real one from a legitimate university} in the history of economics and business.
However it suits the tight underpants brigade to pretend that I am stupid because I have long hair and have something other to talk about besides myself.
I have ideas about how to increase the number of economically productive enterprise and utilise  the "residual" but I am not going to show them here.
anywhere else my involvement would be professional and cost money and I am not going to a] give it away and/or b] have some intelligent idiot tell me to my face that what I have to say is rubbish. 
It is just not worth going up against the smallness of some of the locals who are good at getting elected but no use for anything else.

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