Saturday, February 19, 2022

b russell on religion...

Example of Bertrand Russell's humour (The Religious)
"In the old days when religion was still triumphant the word "God" had a perfectly definite meaning; but as a result of the onslaughts of the Rationalists the word has become paler and paler, until it is difficult to see what people mean when they assert that they believe in God. Now the usual argument of religious people on this subject is roughly as follows:
"I and my friends and family are persons of amazing intelligence and virtue. It is hardly conceivable that so much intelligence and virtue could have come about by mere chance. There must, therefore, be a God at least as intelligent and virtuous as we are who set the cosmic machinery in motion with a view to producing a wonderfully intelligent and virtuous Us."
I am sorry to say that I do not find this argument so impressive as it is found by those who use it."
Bertrand Russell, Has Religion Made Useful Contributions to Civilization? (1930)

Example Bertrand Russell's humour (The Faithful)
"I admire especially a certain prophetess who lived beside a lake in northern New York State about the year 1820. She announced to her numerous followers that she possessed the power of walking on water, and that she proposed to do so at 11 o’clock on a certain morning. At the stated time, the faithful assembled in their thousands beside the lake. She spoke to them saying: ‘Are you all entirely persuaded that I can walk on water?’ With one voice they replied: ‘Yes, we are.’ ‘In that case’, she announced, ‘there is no need for me to do so.’
... And they all went home much edified."
Bertrand Russell, Unpopular E
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Similarities between Christianity and Communism
"It is customary among Christian apologists to regard Communism as something very different from Christianity and to contrast its evils with the supposed blessings enjoyed by Christian nations. This seems to me a profound mistake. The evils of Communism are the same as those that existed in Christianity during the Ages of Faith.
The Soviet Secret Police OGPU differs only quantitatively from the Inquisition. Its cruelties are of the same sort, and the damage that it does to the intellectual and moral life of Russians is of the same sort as that which was done by the Inquisitors whenever they prevailed. The Communists falsify history, and the Church did the same until the Renaissance. If the Church is not now as bad as the Soviet Government, that is due to the influence of those who attacked the Church: whatever improvements it has effected have been due to its enemies.
It is not Soviet doctrine in itself that can be justly regarded as a danger. It is the way in which the doctrine is held. It is held as sacred and inviolable truth, to doubt which is sin and deserving of the severest punishment. The Communist, like the Christian, believes that his doctrine is essential to salvation, and it is this belief which makes salvation possible for him. It is the similarities between Christianity and Communism that makes them incompatible with each other."

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