Monday, February 14, 2022

memo to parliament and the rainbow community...

 listening to the gay conversion therapy bill.

having wondered about my own orientation I spent a large amount of time reading the literature on homosexuality looking for a clue.

finally realised that I am heterosexual.

the other realisation was that new zealand is run by mediocre intellectuals who haven't got a clue about anything except their mortgage  and precious little else and they have no idea about what the hell they are talking about when they engage in any debate about homosexuality and are proceeding on emotion and opinion .

even the great sigmund freud who studied the matter in depth realised that it was not possible to change orientation once it was installed and fixed in the psyche.

now we have religious practitioners who believe that they can cure homosexuality in the name of Jesus but they are sadly mistaken. they are charlatans and responsible for much needless damage to innocents who just want to get on with it

freud said that homosexuals would have to forge their own path in society and the repealing of laws in new zealand that punished homosexuality as criminal behaviour is allowing for that.

however the religious nutbars and others who see a quick buck in making spurious claims are still at it and the bill having its third reading tonight will hopefully squelch these people who it may be said are afraid of their own sexuality and make it illegal for any attempt to be forcefully applied to anybody they dont like.

throughout history homosexuals in society have seen themselves persecuted and extolled in turn but hopefully this bill will put an end to interfering busybodies meddling in other peoples lives

The austrian psychoanalyst Edmund Bergler calimed some success in ameliorating the anxieties of conflicted homosexuals and should be compulsory reading for anyone interested in the facts and not their own opinions.

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