Friday, July 15, 2022

vonnegut, elitism, stupidity and Kim HIll...

 I was brought up on vonnegut and philip k dick. cant say that I understood it all but I loved it just the same. My mother brought them all home from the Masterton Public Library when they used to get all the good stuff. Why she was a sci-fi fan I will never know but there must have been others reading this material back in the day when librarians were not doing "HOURS" and read the books they bought themselves.

Later on good keewee bourgeois idiots who never read books anyway and wanted free trips to somewhere on the back of their fundraising efforts for juveniles effectively removed all the decent pulp books and magazines from circulation. A true tragedy of the commons but it is taboo in keeweekand to crticise certain people or their actions because they are for the greater good. hahahahahaha.

And the thing is if you mention vonnegut now they all say Slaughterhouse Five as if they are in the 'know' but what they really mean is the book contains a Maori character and thus glorifies keeweeland by association.

its all quite sad.

Thank you Kim for interviewing the maker of the vonnegut documentary but it is too little too late.

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