Saturday, June 7, 2014

have you seen the saucers...

yes but dont tell anybody.
tee hee.
hey we doing it wrong.
our world has become so discrete that everything goes past in a miasma.
watched a programme on the karate physisicist?
nice segment but next year should be NZPHYSICS year.
give it A BURST.
everybody talking about it and then all over before its done to death.
who knows what might happen?
other things aft the same time.
really important things are being treated as curiosities for the news when local teevee is not really doing its share in promoting the things we need in an appropriate manner.
strange but troo.
and other things like farmers filed days. need more info in what is actually happening down on the farm.
country calendar is fine but single focussed.
we need to see more farmers on air discussing isses instead of perhaps beltway bullsh*t.
what I am trying to say is that the physics is ok but something like say a year of physics is something tha the whole country could participate in.
the country needs to start talking to each other instead of at each other.
so remember that you only pretty as you feel.

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