Monday, June 9, 2014

your time is gonna come...

Son House and Howling wolf

Looks like the Warehouse is going to go out of CD's and DVDs. They having a sort of sale at the moment. so I managed to get a copy of The Tracks Of Led Zeppelin for $4.98. Watched it twice last night. Good footage of the blues stars Muddy Waters and Howling Wolf and some great piccies of Son House and the only one of Charlie Patton. so it was a tossup between Letting the boys rip or some 30's blues. either or? Nup. Both. The media player can accommodate them all! hehehehehe.
Pity it didn't show all the sessions Jimmy Page did. They would have had some influence too.

In the meantime Saturday Morning with Kim Hill is featuring some good science stuff at the moment.
Even Krump. I had what I believe to be an original thought;"It is easier to transform matter into energy than energy into matter. Probably not that original but good enough for this joker.

Local Stuff.
Newcombes Greenworld is closing after 60 years and several owners.
I remember Henry Carle when I was a kid. Some of the Carles went to our school.
Henry had a local radio show every Saturday morning on the local radio station. You know. Before the local radio station became syndicated from Auckland and pretends to be a local station just because they put local ads in the gaps.
Everybody in Masterton thought they knew more than Henry when it came to gardening but they all listened to his show???
Masterton Farmers Market is now shifting to the Horseshoe Carpark on Saturday mornings.
If I had my way I would pull all the buildings down between the northern roundabout and Church Street and redevelop the space with maybe anew Library  but take all the gew gaws out of Queen Elizabeth Park so there ya go. 
Face the Challenge!

New Zealand Finally becomes a Deemocracy.
Local man shoots himself in the foot and is being charge with discharging a firearm in a not approved place.
His defense will be that police Minister Judith collins was shown doing the same thing in the Daily Rag but she wasn't charged.
So We (WE?) deem that whatever we say is the law and whatever we say isnt isnt.

Last but not least I enjoyed Kim Hills interview with Jock Phillips. There were some weak points.
for instance it is not good enough to study New Zealand History and only New Zealand History. You must have something to compare and contrast it with. I get sick of autodidavctic would be pedagogues telling us that european history is a waste of time as if what happened there has no bearing on New Zealand History whatsoever.
Also Jock seems a bit short on the demographics of the indigenes and the economic history of New Zealand. Its as if our history was solely at the whim of individuals and their desires.
Wild thing.
You make my heart sing.

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