Monday, August 17, 2015

my name is sue...

just kidding.
God smiled this morning.
Walked into the Carterton Family Shop  and the boss pulled this hohner silvertone harmonica out of a box and sold it to me.
sounded gooood!
Now I am in the HUtt.
Been to see my new found friend at Liberty Books.
He tires to get stuff for me but he tells me that all the good old SF has been pulped.
Well that is the kiwi way mate.
Pulp it.
No aesthetic. no curiosity.
Just a desire to big note it wif ya mates.
Fuck yeah we pulped them books!
now wheres the piss.
And what about the dork who upset the gorillas at the game park.
then he whinged that the was being thrown out.
thats the kiwi mate.
upset anybody who cant fight back and then whinge.
God its awful living in New Zealand.
All they care about is buying a car and going some where so they can come back and skite about it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Breaking News.
When the flag is changed then all new born babes will have the new one tattooed on their bums and their winz no.
Neat eh.

Barack Obama.
Hi Boss.
They published your play list in the local rag yesterday.
Well they said it was yours.
No surprises really but I thought you would be into Willie a bit more and Sam Cooke.
More depth than Al Green.
But hey.
everybody is  different.
Godspeed with the rest of it.

We received our education in the cities of the nation me and Paul.

p.s. Dig out some Paul Butterfield and Muddy Waters if you really want to get down home.

And dont forget troubled soul James Carr.
He had the voice!

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