Thursday, March 31, 2016

I heard the whistle blowing...

in the middle of the night.
when I got down to the station the train was pulling out of sight.

New Zealand on the wonk again!
Front page of yesterdays rag all about New Zealand having the highest rate of melanoma in the world.
2 pages over the cancer people getting Celebrities (sic) to cut their hair at just that time when the suns rays are at their most lethal as they can get under the ozone layer and onto the planet.
What do these people want.
Sure we can show our support but exposing people to the cause of it is sheer madness.
But that is the kiwi way.
Only our own truths count.

Ask Mathew Hooton how the freemarket allows ruggered indavidyoualls to import PSA in pollen samples and now velvet weed to completely fuck up winter fodder in Southland.
Oh I know.
Its just a market correction to seek out the strongest to survive.
Its amazing how these hairy arsed ideologues with no experience in actually doing anything productive can have so much influence over the largest gang of nitwits ever assembled in this parliament.
Have the nashill gubmint had their turn yet?

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