Tuesday, March 15, 2016

I was so much older then... from coton to satin>>>

am younger than that now!

Andrew LIttle.
He really pissed the economists off.
As William Grieder points out in "The Secrets Of the Temple", the economists like to keep their secrets secret and as JK Galbraith pointed out economics is easy to understand except when the economists write obtuse discourses meant to deceive.
Politicians as whole have ceded financial matters to hired hands because they are too busy being al lthings to all people and too lazy to study the matter thoroughly even though that is what their job supposedly is.

Found this book in the thrift shop the other day.
its the same old story.
The basisi of civilisation is natures bounty and yield ratio on corn. Lower 3:1 then its subsistence. Over 4:1 then its surplus and the possibility to tax and stand over the producers.
Nothing has changed since the advent of hydraulic cicvilsations but now its dressed up as some sort of inevitable consequence of humans ability to master the natural world.
the bill will have to be paid sooner or later!

HUlk Hogan.
Find the guy who did it and tear his arms and legs off!!!!
 and listening to my laptop while I did stuff this a.m. and somehow Merle got on the playlist.
Great stuff.
Lacy pulled his tit on Survivor but hey thats the market!

and Taj is here in NZ playing dates.
In my opinion his first album is the best.
But take your pick.

and what a good year for the roses..............
many blooms still linger there.
hmmm. the sneak from next door is still dropping his poison onto my garden plot and he is still turning the sprinklers onto the roses when they bloom.
The guy is a nutcase.
But he has to SHOW what a great groundsman he is especially when all the amateur nabobs show up for buns and stuff.

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