Tuesday, March 22, 2016

world gone mad...

the rag filled with stories about anorexia and earnest trick cyclists saying they are going to drill down and find the cause in dna.
yeah right.
first they have to show how dna affects behaviour.
the studies have been done on anorexia last century but a new generation of nitwits comes along and they want to deflect the causes from the family constellation to the genes.
well good luck as long as long as it is not taxpayer money.
and as for the notion that anorexia causes suicide then these people should dig a little deeper and see just what the problem really is instead of dreaming up pop notions to comfort people in their disease instead of looking for eal cures.
believing in something does not make it true ans just because you have a disease or malady or affliction does not make you an expert in the etiology or the cure.

I cant stand the game and why dont they train monkeys to do it.

Hulk Hogan.
Court awards him another $25 mill and the rag bleating and going on about the publics right to know.
there is a difference between government policies and peoples private lives and wanting to know and having a right are two different things.
in a post modern world not everything goes just to pander to the dweebs.

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