Wednesday, June 7, 2017

education in new zealand...

the national gubmint gets up in the  New Zealand house of parliament and regularly tells us (the people) that the education system is broken but we keep coming up top or near top in the OECD rankings.
there is a serious disjunction here.
and the whole free secular education system is under attack from right wing ideologues like the act mp david seymour who want taxpayers to fund schools with no standards and no curriculum.
This is monstrous and apart from the curriculum or lack of it these people without credentials or qualifications  mainly want to suck off the public tit with no responsibilty whatsoever except to themselves.
this is worse than trumpism and hopefully a new Labour Government will sweep all these ghastly accretions  excressences on to the body politic into the garbage bin where they belong.
these schools are a result of national gubmint pandering to the nutty section of their party and they dont seem to want to have any control over these people.

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