Sunday, February 25, 2018

kathryn ryan and the finn....

Listened to KR interviewing the finnish psychologist on RNZ this am. 
He claimed to have discovered a prophylactic  for gambling in the anti opioid drug naloxone.
All well and good but his continued use of academic psychology terms such as "reward" behaviour for addictions was not convincing at all and it was almost is if he had no understanding of addiction at all.
Keeping it simple  the American therapist Ann Wilson Schaeff who by the way lives in NZ  encapsulated addiction as "the primary goal of any addiciton is to prevent the addict feeling their own true thoughts and feelings".
trying to wrap this problem up in academic epithets is worse than pretending that there is no problem at all.
There is no reward in overdosing on heroin or alchohol and all the in depth studies I have read concerning gambling have the anti-intuitive diagnosis that gamblers are persons who unconsciously wish to be punished for losing and pretending that they are looking for psychological rewards is arse about face for people who really have no idea about what they are dealing with.

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