Monday, February 26, 2018

school shootings...

thanks to God so far there have been no mass school shootings in New Zealand.
I picked up a 2015 issue of the New Yorker the other day with an analysis of school shootings in the USA which are a modern phenomennon.
The writer of the article leans on the research of  Stanford University sociologist Mark Granovetter who posits that school shootings are not copycat events but more or less a riot in slow motion that occurs after someone has thrown the first stone then makes it psychologically okay for those who follow.
i.e. after a hothead throws a stone then its open slather.
I dont know if there are psych tests that can predict this propensity in individuals but I do know that there is a kid in this town, Carterton who likes to throw stones at people and he does it when there is a gang of them but wont meet your eye when you see him alone.
this kid is headed for you know where.

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