Saturday, March 10, 2018

jenny marcroft mouths off on prime news tonight...

viewers of prime news tonight would have been treated to a blithering blag form New Zealand First MP Jenny Marcroft.
According to her cannabis is 'the' drug problem in new zealand.
utter bullshit.
the problem is:
Criminal gangs.
Marcroft just mouthed off a whole lot of platitudes to appease the faux moralists and fake christians who think their own thoughts are facts and the castrated kiwi capons who mouth off every night on skwarkbak radio.
these pinheads have too much say and  are full of punitive hatred for people who are doing the things they want to do themselves.
Marcroft is a lazy person who has no idea and worse has no wish to get to grips with reality.
One can only assume that jenny marcroft has investments in private prisons.


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