Saturday, May 11, 2019

desperation at the dompost...

well known loser dunkin garna.
he got half the editorial page in the Dompost on Saturday to write a diatribe abut how the speaker of the house is supposedly biassed and unfair to the nationals party.
I watch the proceedings of the house every day and Trevor Mallard is ultimately fair and has bent over backwards to educated the nationals party on correct parliamanetary procedure and how to behave.
the previous speaker carter  was a slimy supercillious toad like creature who let the nationals party members run riot as they trashed anything and everyhing they could get away with knowing full well that carter would just sneer at th opposition and carry on.
now they, the nationals party, have to front up and obey the rules of parliamanetary behaviour and they are sadly lackin.
if garna thinks speakers rulings are biassed then he does not know what fair is and needs some re-educating himself

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