Monday, June 17, 2019

memo to steven adams...

take no notice of the idiot marc hinto writing in todays dompost sportspages.
I have never read so much weak backbiting twaddle in mhy whole life.
who does hinto think he is trying to run your life and trying to hit you with a guilt complex just this short of a curse.
when and if you come back to your country then give hinton a kick in his big fat arse.
how the editor of the dompost ever let this childish infantilised diatribe into print is beyond me.
Cheap shots pandering to schoolboy desires and demeaning others to make oneself to look big is not worthy of any newspaper let alone this once august rag.
and hinot should take note that Steve Adams has only ever had one job and he got it through what he could do and not who he knew.
so stuff that into your CV hinton!

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