Sunday, June 16, 2019

on the border...

my laptop has two media players built in.
stocking the custom player and the counter says 47,270 songs!
allowing for some copies and compilations I reckon the true total to be about 45,000 more or less.
really proud of the accomplishment
now really going for quantity
need 46 more albums for the round 2,000.
what a blast
I have a friend who collects/hoards the same genres and oeuvres as me.
great to compare notes and moan about the scarcity of the "GOOD STUFF"
already got it.
mopping up now
blue cheer
phil ochs
I know who they are but do I want to pay amazon prices
what a trip
almost worth a degree in musiciology
it represents an encyclopedia of popular music since music was first recorded.
plus some of the great classics
and yokels may be pleased to note there aren't all that many gems out there as is made out to be

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