Thursday, June 3, 2021

lotteries and disability commission has gone awol...

 the lotteries and disabilities commission has unilaterally changed its mission from assisting individuals to pandering to organisations with a do good factor.

they have stopped funding mobility scooters

none have been funded in the wairarapa over the last year.

I have made five applications for assistance.

the previous application was replied to with a form letter and no signature and they have not even bothered to reply to my last application.

this requires getting the forms and trudging around getting signatures and all the rest.

I am an senior citizen with athritis, bone spurs, and prone to bacterial infections because of medical complications. 

It is nearly a k to the supermarket and another back.

meanwhile  dalton and the rest are swanning around the world on yours and my dollar showing off their multi million dollar ship  while the bureaucrats think they have done a good job


time they got real and whoever is making these decisions exposed to the light of day and producing some explanations

1 comment:

hesiod said...

they wanted to know what I do for the community. now that is intangible but it is a hell of a lot.

now for something completely different...