Tuesday, July 20, 2021

one of those days...

 All started well.

The cd I ordered four times arrived today.

The reason it took so long is the vendor kept using the first credit card I ever had instead of the latest and not only did my stuff not arrive it kept disappearing off the order list completely.

Eventually I figured it out and then had to wipe out all the old numbers.

I should have known better but when I downloaded it onto my computer and then tried to copy it for actual playing it would not copy the specific track I wanted. !!!!!!**&&%$#@!

I back up all my cds on a hard drive and put the songsx I like onto a blank cd so I can get volume on the sound system. Finicky process but it works for me. 

Had to fire up the NU-X and playback the particular song through the guitar amp.

That way I only everf have to play the original once and then pretend it is a virgin. yea right.

any hoo

went to town in the morning and had lunch with my sister and her two grandchildren and my niece and hubby with my niecechildren.

All had been to an activity morning at the Epiphany church and were plum tuckered out.

got a couple of good cd's from the hospice shop. Neil Youngs Decade,  a Steve Earle Compilation Bob Dylans UNPLUGGED.

go Neil!

Big job as all the town cd hunters are out on pension day and they get there beforfe me but at the sallies the chief bugbear was busy   sharing his computer navigating knowledge with a girl so I got first choice. 

they can all wait for tomorrow before I put them on the computer. Anything could happen if I start buggering around with the laptop tonight.

btw. I never swap files and I don't give away copies.

all artists deserve their money and their rights.

Waited for the bus and it was late. When it arrived I climbed on board and then some brat chundered so we all got off till another bus arrived and then the brat climbed back onto that one too.

TRANZIT take note!

If he was sick then an ambulance should have been called but the poor little thing was allowed to continue. I wasn't feeling all that charitable and I blew my cool. Well not completely but I told him where to get off. At least 30 people waiting on his pleasure because he couldn't hold his drugs.

Looked like an OD to me.

Then to cap it all when we arrived at my stop there was piss all over the floor where this guy had pissed himself and he got off before me.

Willie Wonka time.

Later when I went into my own bathroom I slipped on the floor and did the arse over kite trick and by this time I was ropable.

then my $10 kettle from the redshed blew up while I was trying to make a cup of tea to ease my frazzled nerves.


Ya get that on the  big jobs.

While I was in town I ran into an MDC councillor who told me the proposed new edifice @ $30,000,000 (HAHAHA what's the likelihood of that coming in on budget) still has one more planning hurdle to pass. Good. A new erection is the last thing Masterton needs. If the MDC is willing to  borrow that amount then they should be spending it on social housing. Not some vainglorious grandiose monolith to themselves.

The councillor assured me that the pros and their hangers on believed in the project and I retorted that $30,000,000 would make a a believer out of anyone.

So there ya go. 

Have to pray for tolerance and acceptance of life on lifes terms or I am as bad as the rest. 


I never wanted to go to the stoney end.....

 going to climb into bed now where its safe. I hope.

and read a bio of Joe Biden that was in the library yesterday.

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now for something completely different...