Monday, August 16, 2021

the hunt...


Pension day is the day of the hunt. see what cd's and dvd's are in the sallies and the hospice shop.

I have to go uptown on the bus and the other hunter/gatherers are out at opening time so I usually miss out but somedays strike it lucky. oh yeah

todays score were the above and man Masters Of The Universe is one of my top ten movies of all time and Workingmans Dead well what more is there to say? The boys out crosby stills and nash at their own game and take it a step further.

Of course they are both already in my collection but I do know someone who would love to have them so there ya go.

and for good measure this groovy little number was waiting for me at the St Johns thrift shop. I have passed it up several times but hey Dolly is Dolly and it all adds to the wonderful collection of her music already in the media player.



they whoever they are say c d's are on the way out.

yeah right...

The font thingy is going crazy. have to reset it every time I use it.

anyway what is wrong with ME?
Just checked the Wikipedia entry for Masters of The Universe and it was universally [sic] panned by everyone! except the kidz! I must be a big kid.
I loved it. It has everything you want in a flic and more. Dolph apparently thought it was his worst movie too. After Rocky which was piffle I guess he thought it was a comedown.
sorry Dolph but you wouldn't know if your arse was on fire on this one.
well hahaha. if you up yourselves big time critics dont know a good movie when you see one then f*ck you.
whats worse is the failure at the box office finished off the globus golan partnership and left the world a poorer place.
there ya go. 
I'm watching it now and enjoying every frame.

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