Tuesday, August 10, 2021

what happened to Margaret Mead...

Margaret Mead has a bad rap in New Zealand and other pacific islands.

Why? She told the truth and it hurts the proponents of the noble savage theory.

They dont like it at all and when I was a mature student at Victoria they preferred the gobbleygook of the French obscurantists and threw the real stuff overboard. I ran into one of my old readers from there recently. He was in the first stages of dementia and being dragged around by his old lady. He complained about the university being a madhouse but when he and others had the chance to do something about it they scuttled off to their ivory towers pronto.

"Well they wile away the hours in their ivory towers till they're covered up with flowers in the back of a black limousine"

Joe South

The Games People Play.

They say politics makes odd bedfellows but I have to agree with one redneck Trevor Bowker pointing the finger at the mad leftist agenda who was then taken to task by one Sir Ian Taylor .

Don't know what he was knighted for but it certainly wasn't linguistics/nz history , biology or geography.

He made a whole heap of claims about New Zealand that are patently false. 

1. Aotearoa is a neologism made up by William Pember Reeves.

2. which gene on the chromosome bonds to oceanic navigation?

3. Tasman who was a master mariner of the Hanseatic League named New Zealand after what is now Denmark which in those days was covered on forests as he sailed in and out of the Baltic.

It is a conceit from  Dutch immigrants to New Zealand to claim he named it after Zeeland

Making up spurious legend seems to be something that our nitwits are very good at.

which one is the real turkey?

and BTW Margaret Mead definitely showed that people without written language  can only recall three generations.


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