Sunday, April 21, 2013

wipe the windows, check the oil, dollar gas... New Zealand Re-Constituted

that's the new constitution...
just add water and beat...
ho hum
New Zealand top legislating country in the world
the laws are so slapdash that parliament spends most time amending sloppy lawmaking
that's the kiwi way folks.
sad but true
and the parliament needs more members according to Geoffrey Palmer and Elizabeth Mcleay
apart from that she's good to go mate
yeah right
and the Wairarapa Unitary authority
They all lining up to kiss Fran Wildes bum for the jobs when it happens
Best thing is a super Council
it makes a bigger stage to pillory the blunderheads, thickos and sooners and keep them up to speed
at the moment it is more like a series of private fiefdoms where the councils are a means of keeping score that has been going on since the protagonist first got into long pants at Wairarapa College.
small people with small minds
no vision and a steely determination to keep any one else out.
erkkkkkkkk.....good column in the Wairarapapa Times Age on Thursday by Wyn Drabble on the nonsense pervading the education and political systems
idiots filling in their time and trying to produce a perfect world
yeah right mate...
Wyn your talents a re wasted
get stuck into the boneheaded drongos that have been running the Widerwrapper as their own private stroking machine for the last 30 years.
Mark Solomon
boss of ngai tahu
sorry old boy but when you mention asking a group of 16 people what makes a foreshore and nobody knew.
ditto history.
I have read literally hundreds of books about new Zealand history but apart from Sir |Peter Buck nary a one written by a Maori.
where are the Maori Historians that can see the whole picture instead of the narrow tribal basis that makes up most of the belletristic posturing that passes for history these days. black and white

Life begins at 40
so they say
well I got the gold card a coupla months ago and now what?
sit on my ass till I die?
I think I might make a good counsellor for children and young adults
somehow I am on their level
cant be bothered with those with fixed attitudes and rigid psyches
once went to a certain fellowship three times a day seven days a week for four years and then read all the theories of madness I could get my hands on.
all it did was set me a above the hangers on, rich kids that couldn't make pottery and the parasites with the special facility of sliding up to the hierarchy and the bureaucracy because of birth etc...
no room for anyone that knew what they were doing and especially someone who showed empathy to the suffering.
they were there only for the others to practice their co dependency on
My wife always hated the fact I could talk straight to my daughter about her body or anything for that matter yet she was the one who ended up sucking up to the toads and getting the gig?
that is the way everything in New Zealand actually works.
those who can get shunted aside for the socialites and the sooners/
so I wonder if I will ever get the call?
its up to you.

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