Friday, February 21, 2014

ted nugent redux....

I see Ted is blowing his mouth off again.
Taking swipes at the President of the United States.
Wellhis music is no bloody good so I suppose he has to do something to get his name in lights.
Just because he sneaks around in the woods with a bow and arrow he thinks he is a tough guy.
I dont think so.
He just another geek who bought himself an electric guitar to make a loud noise and nobody listened then and they dont now.
Tough shit Ted.
Why doncha just grow up and zip it.
I saw ya on a tv show and you couldn't even look the camera in the eye.
Been looking for Robert Mitchum movies for my dvd player.
I gues I am going to have to go on Amazon and pay full price.
Now Robert Mitchum was the genuine article.
Not some feeb with an electric guitar trying to be somebody.
Robert Mitchum was somebody without even trying.

Watched the Al Jazeera special on child coal miners in India last night.
Well Al Jazeera said it was happening and the mine owners and the government bureaucrats said it wasn't.
Who do you believe?
My vote goes to al Jazeera.

And I hear people are taking potshots at the Salvation Army family shops for putting up their prices.
No doubt they have but they have overheads too and nobody goes away hungry if they are truly in need.
The argument that they are given the stuff doesn't wash either.
They are given the stuff to sell because that is the only way they can do things in the material world.
Seems to me that a whole lot of opinionaters are confusing the Family Stores with Antiques Roadshow and are getting their tits in a tangle becuase they cant find a lalique item for 50c and sell it for $20,000 on Trademe.
Well take a hike.

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