Friday, June 26, 2015

reality sandwiches...

The fact of the mater is wailboil is probably a latent h*mosexual.
He thinks or suffers under the delusion that by prying into others lives that somehow he is immune to scrutiny himself and his proclivities peccadilloes and predilections will remain hidden..
Not so.
They are blindingly obvious.
People like him marry diminutive, skinny women  in order to psychically reassure themselves that they are not homosexual and thus normal in the eyes of others.
also the imago is a representation of what they would themselves like to be. i.e a boy.
Sooner or later their psychosis will break through with posibbly tragic results.
Most wife murderers are paranoids who project their own psychotic homosexual urges onto their wives and when the truth erupts into the idea that their wives are more attractive to men than they are or when the truth threatens to be exposed then they kill.

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