Tuesday, June 2, 2015

slimy bastards I have met part two....

I never met him but wailboil takes the cake.
riddled with you know what and the greasiest piece of nastiness that ever walked the earth.
nobody is innocent.
When the National party wakes up that he keeps files on them too then watch out when they flush him!

Trans Tasman Review
SSC stands revealed as a bastion  of lets stick together jobs for the boys and kiwi drongoism.
Just because they have tertiary education does not mean that they are intelligent or aware.

Looks like the treasury is going down the dunny too.
Bill English got his first job there.
Now he knows all the secrets he is intent on gutting the outfit and making them fiscal puppets so he can wring more money out of them to dispense patronage.

New Zealand is going from bad to worse as the greedies seek to extract every last sou out of the economy before they all piss off to London at the end of their terms.
They think money equals class but for them noooooo.

John Key wont last the distance.
You can hear it in his voice.
He has had enough.
Then English will step forward for a year and victory for the grabbers will be complete.

GCSB is recommended to stay out of the media.
They all want to be on Teevee but they don't want any scrutiny.
asymmetries are piling up as the institutions of this country rapidly fall prey to self serving post modernistic relativism. 
They all say one thing and then do another.

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