Friday, September 4, 2015

Eketahuna rocks...

Prince Charles: you are not allowed to say anything bad about New Zealand.
The one thing kiwis cant face is the truth!
They are all legends in their own lunchours and they have cars, big dogs and chainsaws and that just about makes them perfect ideal specimens of humanity and above any criticism whatsoever.
And big ups for Keith Richards.
He got caned in the local rag this morning for calling a spade a spade.
If you go against the current commercial conventional wisdom then you are a curmudgeon.
Short hand for anyone who disagrees with the dictats from the editors table. (JV)
Rap began as the vanity publishing of crack dealers in the projects and hasn't changed one iota.
It is truly one dimensional music of our times for pinheads and fuckwits.
Kim Hill was very brave this morning reading out listeners criticisms of her.
Bugger them Kim.
Their criticisms seem more like jealousy and ad hominem and no analysis whatsoever.
They sounded like put up jobs from the National party who cant bear any scrutiny whatsoever.
AS Tony Carter would say. Fuck em with a rag dick. HAHAHA.
nice one tony.
I get annoyed with RNZ too.
not about content but presentation.
juvenile infantilism
mispronunciations when newsreaders don't read their scripts beforehand and incessant interrogatives.
piss weak music choices on the talk shows
but it is still the best damm radio station in the Country if not the world.
so Kim tell them to stick it where the sun don't shine!

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