Sunday, September 20, 2015

rednecks part two...

and if ya dont know how to do it,
I'll show ya how to walk the dog.

I rilly rilly wanna be a rednek.
nek minit I wuz wun!

Anyway the RedShed is in Masterton is having a giveaway sale of neato cd's.
40 years ago you had to order most of this stuff and then wait for six months till it arrived by ship.
Now they chucking it out and next year it will be all gone.
Do ya hear that?
All gone.
All the little dweebie downloaders (freeloaders) will have seen to that!

thats the way of the world.

had to go to town this am.
missed 9-noon with the angry ant Hooton
Not to worry there was an op-ed piece in the Dompost about David Seymour from the ACT party.
Him and Hooton are of a piece.
privileged little white boys with a good education and an overweening sense of their own importance and their inalienable right to loot the treasury and steal anything they can from the state.
never mind that they never produced anything of any worth themselves.
What has this country come to?

Backup and I found a really good compilation of Chess Records blues stars and a copy of the Crimson Pirate this morning.
Cant wait to get home and give it a spin on the ole dvd.

another angry ant in Carterton.
thort it was just me but a bit of digging reveals this guy to have indulged himself in berating, assaulting   and trampling over others around town.
I saw him harassing someone in Queen ST Masterton last year and yesterday he had a go at punching me in the street.
Last year he stalked me.
Someone told me he is teacher in Masterton but he must have shown his true colours by now.
How can someone overtly psychotic keep getting away with it and hold down a responsible job in the community?
The schools cant be that desperate.

jajajajajajajajaja just a walkin'
just a walkin' the dog.
An if ya doan know how ta do it
then I'll show ya how to walk the dog!
Come on UCOL.
Teach the kids how to play that!
Lets have some genuine excitement instead of pruney keewee muzak

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