Sunday, September 27, 2015

not a captains call...

good meedja weekend.
everybody was on the ball for once.
Bernard hickey put hooton in his place but later hooton gave a proper analysis of CER so it all evens out depending on your client.
Kathryan was a 100.
About time the players got down to the real nitty gritty.
anyway it is not a captains call to change the flag.
changing the flag is part of  a grand constitutional occasion or losing a war.
I am not such a stubborn conservative as to deny the prospect of ever changing the flag but its 
not a fart or a prime ministers whim for a marketing device that ultimately means nothing.
brands come and go.
only rock and roll will live forever.
my my hey hey.

got the dvd from the bowling club garage sale.
guitar players paradise.
nobody skimps and you can see all the moves.
Thank you eric, mick, steve winwoood, jim capaldi et al.
what a great show.

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