Monday, June 22, 2020

kate hawkesby-Nz's biggest whinger...

The Wairarapa Times Age has always been a right wing rag and enemy of the working people.
they called my dad a communist when he got the men to go back to work in the 50's and saved the town!
I dont know who owns it now but they fill the editorial page with right wing diatribes from the lowest of the low of the commentariat and sometimes they publish the same piece on different days in the same week.
talk about cheap.
anyway todays edition had a piece by Kate Hokesby pictured above with her swain mike hoksing.
It was full of nasty backbiting swingeing comments bordering on accusations about the government.
Mean and nasty
She does not seem to realise that government is about collective responsibility and gettking things done.
Her attaack on Megan Woods was totally uncalled for and not worthy of the worst gutter journalism but I guess thats we get these days.
they wont pay for the good stuff so we get the droppings from these creatures who hide in their studios all day and presume to be qualified to comment on the events of the day when they think themselves above the hoi polloi.

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