Saturday, June 20, 2020

waiheke and the risk...

waiheke tourism have almost a whole page in todays SST to bleat about the risk of covid 19.
and they spend most of it blaming the government.
what is wrong with these people who talk about risk but when the downside appears they spit the dummy.
its all about them and to hell with everyone else.
christina hyde of tourism waiheke is the prime example of greedy entrepreneurs not being able to face the facts or the truth.
so you have taken a hit.
so has everyone else.
tighten your belts and stop moaning.
and stop blaming the government.
if your business is that fragile then it is no business at all.

1 comment:

James Mahoney said...

I live on Waiheke and have to agree. If you tie everything you have to a business that is subject to market fluctuations you are in trouble before you start. It's not as if we had no warning of a pandemic, or that Trump would crash Wall St at some stage. Same applies to John Key and his obsession with dairy conversion. Milk is a commodity and over the course of the 20th century, prices declined, but did so on a roller-coaster track. Everything ShonKey did was short-term, self-serving and palliative. A more convincing narcissist and sociopath than Donald, but one nevertheless. Being PM was for his resume. Restoring knighthoods was so he could have one when he'd finished, so he could wander off and big note in Hawai'i.

now for something completely different...