Saturday, June 20, 2020

tracy watkins sunday star times...

big editorial from nationals party stooge tracy watkins in todays sst.
the caption reads the 'government has to win back our trust"
what utter specious twaddle.
the government is doing the best it can and one monkey dont stop no show.
watkins is best described as a hothouse flower toeing the nationals party line and committed to doing down the government.
she weaves a nonsense of deceit and persiflage that bears no resemblance to reality whatsoever and is using the SST to further the political goals of the nationals party.
watkins is one of these instant gratification jobs that will take any blip in the unfolding of the covid crisis as a weapon to use against the government
she needs to grow up and see the wood from the trees.
showering her piece with a collection of this and that and trying to reach a conclusion is the sort of thing post modern noo noo heads present as a reasoned argument when it is just propaganda wrapped up in poisonous hyperbole.

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