Sunday, January 15, 2012

Enter the Dragon

Woke up this morning and had a yen to listen to Cyprus Avenue and Slim slow slider so had to plow through a few boxes to find it. worth the effort to listen to Van slipping away over the early morning dew in the magic hour.
Big ups on Canada and the liberal party.
They will liberalise cannabis immediately and there will be no elected head of state.
Canadians seem to be the only country left in the world with a firm grasp of history, where we came from,  how we got here and what is important.
The Canadian Parliament recently refused to change the law so mendacious news organisations could peddle their lies and twaddle.
Are Canadians the only sane people left on the planet?
Its the year of the Dragon and the teevee was showing young Chinese nubiles last night looking for some potent new genes.
You can find some here.
drop me a line and we can work something out.
Cafe Ole back on deck today.
Best coffee in New Zealand if not the world.
Put some new strings on the Ibanez last night.
According to Acoustic guitar  master Dan Crary, its best to leave them for at least a day before playing so I am filled with anticipation.
Was trying to pick my way through a Hank Williams CD but tit was all dead so the old strings had to go.
In the meantime I am playing my JACKSON standard strat through the NU>X.
what a cool little amp.
goes like a rocket but toooo loud for the neighbours and its only 8watts.
dang one dude.
twang it.

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