Wednesday, January 25, 2012

fingerprint file: memo from turner

Wonderful to see Sir Mick Jagger taking a stand on being used for political purposes. politicians have no shame.
So I had to get out all my Rolling Stones CD's last night and frighten the lady next door.
Sympathy for the devil indeed.
good on ya Mick.
Hope you dig the aeroplanes. more models operated by the RNZAF.
Our guys were the best!
FASCISM in New Zealand is rearing its ugly little head. The government and its familiars
all mouth on about democracy ad nauseum but they cant actually stand it. Most of them have no idea about what a parliament is supposed to be either. They come into power and immediately think that they can do what ever they like and get a severe case of the hissy fits when they realise there power is limited. so then they become intoxicated with what they have and go completely overboard.
The unicameral system allows them to carry out any legislation they like and it is not looking good for this term.
At the moment one David Farrar who is their polling maven is calling for the sacking of the Christchurch City counil because some of the councillors have objected to a significant pay rise for the CEO.
In their minds this is sufficient reason to abandon the democratically elected council because they think that they should be able to reward their functionaries with as much money as they can from the public purse.
The other catch cry is "The Civil society" which means in practice "shut the f*ck up" and stop complaining.

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