Monday, January 9, 2012

puff the magic dragon

item on msn news this morning. nicotine replacement therapy doesn't work.
in the USA it has become a $1,600,000,000 a year industry.
what the hell is going on?
you might well ask.
see the Space Merchants by Frederick Pohl for a summary of addiction.
I stopped smoking myself and I did it after many attempts by reading a book by gillian riley entitled how to stop smoking and stay stopped for good.
much like psychoanlysis which Freud said was probably only useful to people who could read and understand abstract concepts this book is probably only good for some people.
in new zealand the stop smoking programme has been contracted out to an entity that seems to want to browbeat   people top make them stop.
it doesnt work like that.
listening to a Muddy Waters Cd at the moment.
like a true artist he was prodigious. this one is a compilation put out by an australian licensee with a whole lot of stuff that I never heard before but it is MUddy and he is playing an singing with much aplomb.
great riffs and clear progressions make it much fun to play along to and get the most out of it.

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