Thursday, January 26, 2012

fingerprint file: past and present

JUst reading "the victorians" by a.n. wilson. I have had to put aside Barzun while I assimilate wilson.
It seems as if steel was invented by the Hittites in ancient Turkey. It gave them an unestimable advantage before the secret got out.
as it always does.
now it is from there to here.
it seems as if the most ancient villages were not the the walled cities of agriculturalists but factories producing obsidian mirrors for vain crypto magnates in the ancient world.
everything is counter intuitive and even Adam smith got it wrong in his theories of the division of labour.
it never happened like that on page 22.
tee hee.
so there you have it kiddies.

going going gone

natural reactor formation at OKLO  in Gabon
from go to whoa and it should be mentioned that there are natural reactors where uranium has concentrated due to geological factors and sets up primitive uncontrolled chain reactions.

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