Tuesday, June 26, 2012

sometimes you win, sometimes you lose...

Town today. Very cold.
There was a girl busking with a flute.
Beautiful tone and plenty of wind.
Just like how a flute should be played.
See Tom Scott playing the old interrogatives game again.
Why do all these people think they are either a) lawyers using rherotical devices or b) so self centred and insecure that they must ask the whole world to agree with them?
I dunno. do YOu?
anyway, big win for Barack Obama at the supreme court. Striking down unconstitutional states legislation.
Too many dweebs running round these days who want the world to do what they say.
Sorry guys but it doesn't work like that!
No one on the bus going up but it was full coming home.
The old, the lame and mothers with kids all rocking it up.
If someone had of started a song I think the whole bus would have started singing along!
meet you at the back of the blue bus, blue bus.
found a Jamie Lee Burke and an Ian Rankin for cheap and the book of a movie I saw at the Regent in Masterton back in the 50's, "Batrtle HYmn Of The Republic. About a chaplain (Dean E. Hess)who became a fighter pilot.
Usually its the other way around.
As I recall the movie had aerial shots of a P47 Thunderbolt but  the illustrations in the book show he flies a P51 Mustang.
Thats Hollywood dudes.
tonight the remnants of the Hamilton County BLuegrass Band playing at the Carterton Town Hall.
and one for Dimebag Darrel.
Nobody deserves that.

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