Wednesday, January 16, 2013

money thats what I want...

front page news on the Dompost.
Money does make you happy.
Saying it doesn't is just another kiwi delusion.
the place is full of them.
New Zealand is the home of half baked people who if they reach their destination too ealry sink into this glorification of all the stuff they forgot or cheated on their exams with.
And Thats how they punish you in New Zealand.
cut off your access to decent jobs.
and brand you for ever just because they can!
noice peepul.
espeshully the xtians.
Lance Armstrong.
I never liked the guy.
something about him but I dont give a stuff.
He did win 7 Tour de frances so he should be givien a medal for his body holding out under all the pressure.
Now all the no talents are having their revenge.
So Lance tell em all to go and get fucked.

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