Thursday, February 14, 2013

and she was ugly....

big ups again to Rosemary McLeod for her piece on the uglification of Masterton.
When you think back to what Pericles did in Athens 2,500 years ago and what is now the standard of beautification in our urbs there is no comparison.
Queen Elizabeth Park in Masterton is another project that looks like it was designed straight out of a house garden and bathroom catalogue.
there is no art.
just another assembly of pokey arrangements.
After the clay lining in the lake was removed the whole thing has just turned into a stinking mudhole and putting a few perch into it to make it look good is typical PR bullshit.
Masterton missed a huge chance to redesign the whole thing but instead they opted for the worst possible arrangement.
basically it is cheap and nasty.
Still for a town that would not do anything about boy racers for ten years and two Mayors with the aesthetics and sensibilities of the usual kiwi drongos it could have been worse.
gabba gabba hey.
last week someone called me an anarchist and this week someone said I was bad tempered.
typical Kiwi isms.
this country is anti intellectual, instrumental and externally referenced to the max.
good enough is ok and if anyone disagrees then whammo.
I don't want what is good. I want what is best.
is that anarchy?
See if you point out the ridiculousness of radio announcers who sound like they are on P or worse still the overweeningly arrogant jobs from Radio New Zealand who don't read their news bulletins before they read them on air and don't bother to ask any one else how to pronounce words they have never seen before then does that make you an anarchist.
does having standards make you an anarchist?
I am not sly and sneaky.
I like being forthright and straightforward which is the complete antithesis of the kiwi way which is rumour and gossip and blame.
is that bad temper?
Just the same in India where the womens movement is starting to protest about the treatment of women and playing the blame game again in positing the existence of bad behaviour in the genes.
more poppycock.
it is a result of the culture and socialisation and the environment.
get real.
mass rallies are not good enough.
that's just taking the easy way out.
make a big noise and then go home.
use the undoubted intellectual horsepower in India to start attacking the root causes instead of the outward excrescences of chauvinism.
We live in a world where nobody seems able to call a spade a spade.
we live in a society where there is no inculcating of values any more.
Just a restless self seeking post modernist quest for individual freedom and nonsense values like being yourself.
yadda yadda yadda...

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