Monday, February 18, 2013

the night of the following day...

Ah Rita..
Absolutely loved you when I saw the 'night of the following day'.
still do.
You one of the babes that will live forever.
I have the dvd and give it a spin every now and again.
it ratchets up the tension and never lets go.
sorry to hear about your troubles with Marlon.
things never worked out for him in the end.
much sadness.
Marlon got it in Missouri Breaks so does life imitate art or vice versa.
Read 'Welcome to the Monkey House' for Vonneguts take on actors and their profession.
Good day today on the scavenger hunt front.
found a copy of Jitterbug Perfume and some Tom Waits albums (vinyl) in good nick.
for the richard boone fans here is another of his great ones.

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