Wednesday, February 20, 2013

the black hole sucks....

So do the baby boomers.
they took everything like it was their due and didn't put anything back.
air travel
anything they could get their hands on
the world was like a big pearl laid on for a thundering horde of swine!

yesterday I found two old lovely hardback books of Bible Stories from the 1920's
lovely illustrations and nicely abridged versions
the sorts of stuff we used to have at Sunday school.
what happened?

and what happened two.
folk songs, sea shanty's and carols.
we learned them in the primmers
away down rio
and its there that the river runs down golden sands
and we're bound for the Rio Grande
 oh darkies how my heart grows weary
far from the old folks at home

now its just gibber gibber oink oink
gibber gibber oink oink
oink oink gibber gibber

how do you like that

Black Caps.
sorry you lost dudes but you played the game and you are getting better!

Barack Obama
hi boss.
stay away from the flakes
you need authenticity
try becoming knowledgeable in Chicago Blues men
real men
real dues

10 % of Wairarap Electorate needed to foce a referendum
so what happened to democracy.
a referendum or plebiscite in this case should be a matter of right
not some frigging boondoggle dreamed up by a gang of wellington bureacrats.

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