Thursday, October 2, 2014

how to lose an election New Zealand Labour Party Style...

The whole thing is that anybody who knows anything about global finance knows that October is the month when all the accounts are settled in the U.S. and notwithstanding all the bagwash spewed out by the hucksters who like to think we are independent the fact is we are dependent and in more ways than these pink shirters care to trouble themselves finfing out about.
So National orders an election in late September and next week the milk solid prices tank and the dollar goes down making imports more expensive and other ramifications.
Usually elections are held in November in New Zealand but somehow the National Party  brushed aside all constitutional conventions, set their own agenda and the worse thing about all this is that the NZ Labour Party didn't even see it coming.
why has this party turned into a party of pompous little geeks who would not even know if their arse was on fire?
Thats what I want to know.
I see them all on TV playing to the camera but none of them know anything about anything.
so sad.

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