Monday, October 27, 2014

the ferruncle and the weedkiller...

woke up this morning, jumped out of bed and looked out the door and was almost bowled over by the stench of weedkiller.
it was horrible.
could not tell if it was from the so called gardener from next door or some other genius around the place but there were horrible dying plants in the rose garden so I guess it was him.
he calls himself a gardener but he is just a real life nincompoop.
you want to see his face.
it looks like a sprayed weed.
allblack and shrivelled up!
"when I remonstrated with his boss he said we will spray whenever and wherever we like."
Last year the so-called gardener kept sneaking through the hedge and spraying my vege sedlings.

anyway here is a picture of how to garden Carter Court style:
spot the living from the dead.
had to remove it because of the background.
sorry folks.
this is what happens to me everytime they spray round here!  

( so bad its good)
the only time Rugby was played at the Olympics it was the U.S.A. who won the gold medal!

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