Wednesday, September 14, 2016

post modern noozillun...

Radio New Zealand reports this morning that Victoria University employs lieberryans.
what do they do there?

Went to the Hutt yesterday. Nearly got run down by a large man in Naval Uniform who thought his course to the bun shop meant that I should step aside for him on the pavment.
He swerved at the last moment.
Are officers not gentlemen anymore?

Carterton Local Body Elections.
I will vote for the person who will put an end to the indiscriminate spraying around trees so the lawnmower guy doesn't have to do more than the minimum.
since I arrived in Carterton nearly all the trees in McKenzie terrace have succumbed to the oceans of weedkiller poured on their roots in the name of efficiency.

minding your own business.
one tree on private property in McKenzie Tce Had a branch broken and hanging down over the pavement.
It happens to be one of my favourite trees.
I pulled off the wounded branch and left it there and now someone else has taken it upon themselves to create some sort of scene over that.
You see it belonged to them and who was I to think that I could remove a bit of ugly for some symmetry and balance?

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