Sunday, September 25, 2016

rain grey town, well known for it s sound...

Eight Miles High"

Eight miles high and when you touch down
You'll find that it's stranger than known
Signs in the street that say where you're going
Are somewhere just being their own

Nowhere is there warmth to be found
Among those afraid of losing their ground
Rain gray town known for its sound
In places small faces unbound

Round the squares huddled in storms
Some laughing some just shapeless forms
Sidewalk scenes and black limousines
Some living, some standing alone 
Nothing but grey sky all weekend.
Had to visit my pal in the old folks home next door yesterday.
He doesn't like winter much so a visit lifts him out of his gloom.
The rest of the time  I read Freud on Jokes and The Unconscious and watched Clint on mute.
titter titter.
Jonathon Milne. 
claims to have been in the press gallery for more than a few years but he still wants to dock Winston Peters pay for doing what he is supposed to do.
That is the cruddiest opinion I have read for a long time.
Parliamentarians are in theory there to represent their electorate and not to play silly little games for the government and become less than a gang of infantile panderers for the latest thing..
Does Milne think they are in public service or something?

Peoples Democratic Republic of China.
Prime teevee started out yesterday morning saying in the teaser for a programme on China that it was the worlds oldest continuous nation in the.
Then the oldest state in the world then they dropped it all together.
The CPDR has only been in existence since Mao's revolution in 1949.
Who are these teevee people trying to kid?
As it is the oldest thing about China is Confucianism and Taoism which is basically a philosophy of gerontism and is not serving the world very well now.
What are they going to do when all the Elephants and rhinoceroses are gone.
No amount of ancestor worship is going to bring them back. 

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