Sunday, September 11, 2016

something old something new...

Daffodil day yesterday In Carterton.
The weather was fine and it was a good turnout.
I played my guitar and sang but it soon went out  of tune and my voice cracked trying to keep up the volume over the street noise and the oiks going past on their unmuffled hardly davisons.
Still made enough for a couple of drumsticks and a bottle of Coke
Where were the cops?
They would have had a field day rounding up anti social yobs with small dicks and enough money to purchase a noise machine to piss the world off.
some kid tried a shot at me with this suction dart gun.
I nearly stuck it up his nose.
Another little shit let loose upon the world.
another kid was a very good looking little boy. who wanted to inspect my guitar and lsiten to the songs.
He had a great smile, looked like a young Brian Jones and was on to it.
I told his mum that she had a junior rock star on her hands and she laughed and said, "I know".
Hope the dope, broads, pills and booze dont get him too soon.
The Country Womens Institute had a stall and I talked to one lady who told me that they had changed their logo and name.
Its now the Womens Institute and the new logo is pale and washed out and nowhere near as good as the  old one.
I wonder what bright spark engaged which ad agency to come up with that piece of tripe.
I note when reading the telephone book (larfs) that old Cartertonians still give their address as Swamp Road instead of the new polite one dreamed up by the Courtenay place immigrants who come to the country looking for authenticity and then want to change everything around to suit themselves and complain about cowshit on their new cars when they live in the country!

Graham Tuckett Dompost Movie Reviewer.
what does 'very reccomended mean?

I have my own little stable of sportspeople who I admire mostly for undefinable ineffable reasons.
Silky runners like Christian Cullen and Beasts like Jerome Kaino and Brad Thorn.
When the Winfield Cup was free to air on TV2 I use to love watching Cliffy Lyons, Terry Lamb and "Cement".
They really had class. and were distinct individuals.
now they all seem to have come out of the same factory.
My favourite netballer is Grace Rasmussen.
it took me a while to work out all the moves watching the teev but I got "it" eventually
Rasmussen  has got it all.
probably a big husband  too so I had better watch myself but her style is unique and worth watching the game for.
thank you.

Found a book of Jamie Lee Burkes short stories on Saturday.
They are just as good as his novels even if they are an almost forgotten art form.
In one the protagonist hero is condemmed because of :adversarial tendencies.
Just as well.
They or Them or whatever you call then want us all turned inot ggood little consumers.
LIke now its the Somme.
The turks have enough of KIWIS running around Gallipoli so now the emphasis has switched to the western front.
My grandfather was at both and he would deplore this commercialism and downright mindless running round the world so that they can come back to lil ole noo zillun and make everyone else jealous.
what has the world come to?

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now for something completely different...