Wednesday, February 8, 2017

see my friends...

parliament now on free to air.
at the moment they are just going through th emotions.
elder statesmen like chester borrows and trev mallard are sitting in the speakers chair with an air of faint detachment as the preening little popinjays with thier fake southland accents and prepared speeches that all sound the same go through their flabby paces.
hyuck hyuck hyuck.
why do all the speeches sound like they have been wiritten by the same speechwriting machine?
everything is premushed these days it seems.
wait till the campaign really gets underway and all the lightweights will shoved back into place asap.
too many sitting ducks.

congrats to the Dompost for their editorial asking for more urgent action on cannabis reform.
some legislators are still living in the dark ages and think the world is flat and if anything is any good then it must have a trademark on it or it doesn't count.
how else do you get a payoff?
time for this government to act now.

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