Sunday, February 12, 2017

thats the way it used to be...

lots of stuff coming up on facebook these days.
everybody trying to relive the war with a focus on the machinery.
brmm brmm brmmm.
you still dead.
The war eh.
It allowed a whole lot of nitwits in this country to assume almost dictatorial powers over the populace during and after and a powerful stimulus to obey received authority.
do what we say.
All the good uns stayed behind in GT Britain and all the blimps came home to boss the rest around.
It manifested itself in the health system where persons like herbert green got away with murder and totally unrestricted groping and examining the genitals of baby girls in the interest of science.
yeah right. 
Its still going on.
todays Dompost has half the second page of todays edition doing a hagiographical piece on Bill English.
did they pay.
is it news.
who has been bought?
And a friend of mine just back from Waitangi tells me that there is no Cannabis in NOrthland but the place is riddled with P.
what the fuck is going on.
Nobody can do anything right in this country.
They can spend money on expensive jets and build airports that nobody wants and I might add that if todays jets did not come with computerised manuals I would not ride on them
The temptation here is to cut everything to the bone so that there is more money to waste on status symbols that prove we can waste money with the best of them.
yeah. thats right.
The water is foul and the crooks are running the rackets with impunity but hey Bill Englis has a nice suit.

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